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文档介绍:Title:Research on Traditional Opera market in Shanxi
Major: Traditional Opera
Name: Zhang Yanqin Signature: Suervisor: Che Wenming Signature:
Shanxi traditional opera has experienced since the reform and opening-up short period of prosperity, in crisis. Since the beginning of the new century, especially advocate for the protection of intangible cultural heritage, Shanxi Traditional Opera has been the official attention, gradually rising trend. But the real Traditional Opera in the end in Shanxi how? From Traditional Opera to enter the crisis began, many experts and scholars in the continuous exploration, but few people study the market from the perspective of Traditional Opera. In this paper, breaking the previous study only opera theater and other supply-side market research flaws while ignoring the demand side of the Traditional Opera, changes in the development of both proceed from the supply and demand , further study Shanxi Traditional Opera Market in development since the reform and opening up changes, draw some law of development in Shanxi Traditional Opera.
This article attempts to use the methods of Marxist economic theory and management science, on the basis of literature demonstrates specific fieldwork and data analysis, proceed from the following aspects:
First of all, In the historical changes of Shanxi Traditional Opera market and analyzes its based on new period of economy, society, culture and environment, this article from the second chapter, the production of Shanxi Traditional Opera market (Troupe), place of business (Theatre), consumers (audience) were studied in three aspects. Combing the Shanxi Traditional Opera Troupe since the founding of the system changes, quantity changes and regional distribution, and through detailed statistics, see the pany and municipal Troupe performances played a total of 1/5, their total e has accounted for the entire 3/5 of e; County Troupe and private Troupe performances accounted for the total per


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