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to whom it may concern:
it is my honor to mend xxx for matriculation into the graduate program at rochester institute. i have had the pleasure to know and work with x for the last six years. he he first worked with me as an intern in the software anization at xyz in syracuse, ny. following his graduation from rochester institute, i was fortunate enough to keep track of his career so that when the opportunity arose, i was able to recruit him to his current position at abcd. the characteristics of x that attracted my attention then, and led me to hire him out pany b last year, make it easy for me to give him an unqualified endorsement for graduate study.
x brings to all of his activities energy, enthusiasm, mitment. this is to be expected in any essful member of an anization, and in this regard x fits in well. be it in the parsing of intricate algorithms in a billing system, the crafting of an object hierarchy, or the establishment of best practices with an emerging technology, x consistently delivers high-quality software for anization. this speaks to his overall intellect and ability to learn, attributes that will serve him well in graduate study.
while x is a relatively junior member of anization as measured by tenure, he quickly established himself as a go-to person in the product domains in which he has worked. he has been ever-willing to work with members of anization to share his knowledge and expertise, most notably as a presenter for presentations on product functions. he has a deep-rooted spirit of helpfulness that coupled with his quick grasp of subject matter speaks well to his potential as a teaching assistant or instructor.
what i find most engaging in x's character are his wide-ranging interests outside of software. two of his abiding interests are game theory and economics. he can be quickly engaged in an in depth discussion, for instance, of the rationale
behind ez-pass, the lack-of rationality of the financial markets, or the opti


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