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初中英语八年级unit5 课件.ppt

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初中英语八年级unit5 课件.ppt

上传人:xxj16588 2018/7/27 文件大小:4.18 MB


初中英语八年级unit5 课件.ppt


文档介绍:unit 5
If you go to the party,
As students, we are supposed anize our time well and plan our study carefully. In this way, we can do well in our lessons.
If it is fine tomorrow,
We _______ ( go) on a school trip.
will go
If you puter games all day.
you ___________. (tired)
will be tired
your parents ________________.
(be not happy)
will not be happy
your eyes _________. (hurt)
will be hurt
If he always __________ (watch TV ),
he____________ (bored).
watches TV
will be bored
in the future
make a lot of money
buy a big house
If I make a lot of money,
I will buy a big house.
If I have enough money,
I will travel around the world.
If I study hard,
I will go to college.
If it is sunny tomorrow,
be sunny
play er
I will play er.
What will you do to relax yourself this weekend?
If it rains this weekend, I will __________.
If it doesn’t rain this weekend, I will_______.