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Liangshanbo and zhuyingtai are the famous butterfly lovers. They love each other,But because of their families’ disagreement of marriage, they choose death, to make their love perpetual.
A love story
6000 love ladders
Fifty years ago, farmer Liu Guojiang fell in deep love with a widow Xu Chaoqing who was ten years old than Liu, which incurred gossip and could not be stood by villagers. In order to escape the unbearable pressure of the outside world, they hid themselves into the deep forests. To let Xu down the mountain safely, Liu used 50 years finishing the large project of 6000 love ladders.
ladder of love
What is love
Plato said, two heart very lonely, need each other solace, is called love
The love in my heart
LOVE--is Inject ,Loyal , Observant , Valiant Enjoyment , Yes , Obligation ,Unison ,all the capital letters even rise is I LOVE YOU
爱----就是 Inject(投入)Loyal(忠诚) Observant(用心)Valiant(勇敢) Enjoyment (喜悦)Yes(愿意) Obligation(责任)Unison(和谐)把所有的大写字母连起来就是 I LOVE YOU
The meaning of true love
(1)Love make you grow up
You are a stimulant for me to e more fully what I might e, and my loving enhances your being as well. we each grow as a result of caring and being cared for.
(2)Love don’t let you feel lonely any more
The meaning of true love
When you feel lonely or stressed out , you can talk to your lover, he will be in face of the night with you.
The meaning of true love
(3)Love make you perfect
The leaf es flower when it loves.
The flower es fruit when it worships. From “Stray Birds”
How to maintain the love
(1)The private space should be left to the other.


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