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文档介绍:Shallow analyze of three dimensional rural issues
Business administration, xxxxxx University
Abstract:Agriculture is the source of human society. Agriculture, as the foundation of the national economy, has an important and deep influence for national economy and global development. However, since the reform and opening up, along with the rapid economic development of our country, our country gradually revealed in agriculture, rural areas and farmers problems. The central mittee pay high attention to the problem of "agriculture, countryside and farmers", a lot of the effective implementation of the national policy. In the government, through the party and people's joint effort, problems concerning peasants and agriculture got certain solution.
Key words: agriculture;rural;farmers
一、The problems concerning agriculture、rural、farmers
Agriculture problems: agriculture restricted the national economy as a weak link. The economy of self-sufficiency is not capable to form scale economy and the low degree of agricultural industrialization.
Rural problems: the basic facilities of rural are plete, the face of rural is worse and the economy of rural is underdeveloped.
Farmers’problems: Agriculture, rural and farmers" is the core problem, the farmers problem performance for farmers's citizenship, which can be divided into two problems with quality and reducing burden. Besides


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