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上传人:luyinyzha 2018/8/5 文件大小:322 KB




文档介绍:市场营销管理论文-关于第三方物流企业的市场营销策略Study on the Marketing Strategy of Third Party Logistics Enterprist.
Third party logistics is a fire-new logistics form which has been attached importance to more and more enterprises due to its particular charm. Although it has appeared in the developed European and American nations in 1980’s,third party logistics came to China since the middle 1990’ the development of market economy system and the deepening of enterprise framework reform in China, enterprises have paid more attention to third party logistics and viewed it as a golden industry that could bring the thir/mtk/ d profit, which brings out the increasing requirements for the professional and multi-functional of third party logistics.
However, the fact is that third party logistics in China is still in junior phase. The constraint bottleneck includes: the scale of logistics enterprise is small, most of logistics enterprises have no exact target of service and have no enough service consciousness. Many foreign capital enterprises, industrial mercial enterprises are unsatisfied to the services of domestic anizations. Up to 78% of foreign capital enterprise thought that Chinese anizations should first build up the correct opinion of logistics service. Many anizations just afford single and segmental service.
They recognize the logistics function simply as preserving, transferri