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客户 客户关系管理 系统 管理信息系统.doc

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客户 客户关系管理 系统 管理信息系统.doc

上传人:jiquhe72 2018/8/11 文件大小:2.46 MB


客户 客户关系管理 系统 管理信息系统.doc


客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management)不仅是一种管理理念,又是一种旨在改善企业与客户之间关系的新型管理机制,也是一种管理软件和技术,它实施于企业的市场营销、销售、服务与技术支持等与客户有关的领域,其目标是通过管理与客户间的互动,努力减少销售环节,降低销售成本,实现最终效果的提高。好的客户关系管理系统的实现更有助于企业将每个细分市场做深做透,惟其如此,才能把市场蛋糕越做越大。本文论述了客户关系管理信息系统的设计思想,主要实现功能及数据库的结构,其实现了客户基本数据的记录、跟踪,查询客户信息等等。该系统可作为企业实施CRM的借鉴。
本系统前台使用JAVA MyEclipse ,后台数据库由SQL SERVER 2000 支持。
With the development of technology and information technology, merce is being applied in more and more fields. In the era of merce, traditional enterprise resources such as quality and price of products won’t bring petitive power to enterprises in the vehement petition. And clients will e most resources of enterprises. As a part of merce, customer relationship management is a kind of management concept regarding clients as a focus of management and can efficiently improve the whole operational efficiency of enterprises.
Customer relationship management is not only a concept of management, but also a new mechanism of management, using to improve the relationship between anization and the customers, as well as a software and technology of management. CRM is under the purpose of ameliorating the relationship between enterprise and customer. It is a new management mechanism. It actualizes in the marketing, sales, serves and technique suppose etc. Its target is through the interaction between the management and customer, struggling to reduce the distribution tache, lower the sale cost, achieving to improve the final effect. Good customer relationship management system panies achieve more for each segment to do so through deep, Only this way can the market growing in volume cake This text has discussed the design idea , the primary achieved function and database structure of the Customer Relationship Management Information System,and this CRM system can record, track c


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