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上传人:wz_198613 2018/8/13 文件大小:58 KB




关键词: 高等院校风险防范防范于控制对策财务风险
abstract Because our country since the reform and opening, with the rapid development of higher education has been fast forward, slowly because the elite education to mass education level, from the system in our country has been incentive and tilt, most colleges and universities are also took advantage of this opportunity to strengthen its fast, only a few years time, many colleges and universities forward steps beyond the ten years ago or is forward steps and levels of twenty years ago. Also panied by the fast speed is the occurrence of various faults, there has been a new forward and governance difficulties, so some parts waiting to be processed in the university forward question discussion and the research is now the focus of many experts gathered celebrity. This paper from the advance situation of colleges and universities in our country now and still have part of the problem as the main starting point, the discussion and analysis in colleges and universities in this particular subject have some crisis in the financial management, emphasis in colleges and universities in the use of bank credit funds to the university forward some of the financial crisis to useful to prevent and control. And through the exploration of the subject, hope to be able to of our country's higher school of steady progress play a certain guidance and learning effect. At the same time I also important purpose of the article explore and writing.

Keywords: Institutions of higher learning Risk prevention In the control to prevent countermeasures financial risk 前言


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