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文档介绍:最后,对前面几部分进行总结论述,对SM公司的发展寄予展望, 并希望对行业中的工程监理企业起到一定的参考作用。
本文的主要贡献在于:其一,以战略管理的视角分析工程监理企。业的发展,把工程监理的发展分析上升到工程监理战略管理的高度, 而不是仅仅局限于某个战略意图或工程监理实施过程中某个具体问题的探讨分析;其二,在工程监理的市场分析中,使用了工程监理“波特五力模型”,明确了工程监理行业的五种竞争者;其三,提出了工程监理公司战略体系的概念;其四,从关系营销的角度,笔者不认同当前“只讲关系,不要实力”的观点,进一步肯定了战略管理对工程监理企业发展的重要作用。
关键词: SM工程监理战略管理
Engineering Construction Management is that management enterprises entrusted by body corporate of the project, according to documents of engineering construction projects granted by the nation, relevant laws of engineering construction, contracts of engineering construction and engmeemng management,puts engineering projects into engineering management has existed for 14 vears in the local deve]opment,from have nothing to something,be placed in the stage in booming development in pared with the abroad engineering consultation,the local englneerlng management industry is sti ii very young, in characteristic market in Chinese environment,the industrv development of the engineering management exists many problems: The laws system is not sound, malignant petition. widespread and poor management in character in business troops. Facing the entry of WTO,the development of local engineering
management is biggest threatened and will be faced larger
market foreground as wel 1. In the trend of economi c
globalization into which the world turns,local engineering
management enterprises should get up in the vigilance, examining the exterior environment and the internal environment of the enterprise,according to the synthetic strategic administration theories,establish the development direction and the strategy target of business,and put the powerful strategy management,in order to make the enterprises
to he always essful in more and more vigorous market
This text regards pany as the research
“The Model of Synthetic Strategic administration“as basic framework, applies the analysis