摘要: 3
前言 4
1 研究对象与方法 4
研究对象 4
研究方法 4
问卷调查法 4
访谈法 4
逻辑分析法 4
2 达州市休闲体育的应用结果与分析 5
参与的休闲体育活动项目 5
参加休闲体育活动的时间情况 6
活动场所的选择 6
参加休闲体育活动的动机 6
3 达州市休闲体育经营和管理跟不上休闲体育的发展 7
达州市休闲体育经营管理 7
缺乏科学严格的管理,管理人员素质不高 7
部分项目上马增长过快,造成市场恶性竞争,定位偏高,项目结构失衡 7
休闲体育参与者的消费现状分析 8
4 结论与建议 8
结论 8
建议 8
加强休闲体育的组织管理和全民健身的宣传力度 8
加强社会体育指导员的培养,并因地制宜地开展活动 8
拓宽营销渠道,充实更新设备,增加项目的多样性和功能的齐全性 9
强化内部管理,明确市场定位,逐步提高服务质量和档次 9
控制市场秩序,实行连锁化和多元化经营 9
注重寓教于乐功能 10
参考文献 10
致谢 11
Researches on present conditions andstrategies
for entertainment physicalin DaZhou
Du Ke Feng
(. Department of Neijiang Teacher’s College, Neijiang,Sichuan, China 641112)
Abstract: The article has investigated and studied the development situation of leisure and entertainment . in DaZhou City with methods of documents、questionnaire survey、analysis.
Results shows: the project is unitary and is in sufficiency as well as lower e of residents have restricted the development of entertainment sports, and the population participating in sports are less, and varies in age occupation education. So my suggestion is government should anizing and propagandizing and guidance to sports instructor and carrying out activities appropriate to local conditions; diversifying channel of marketing, increasing various of the . project and the function, strengthening the s management and having a clear market position, improving the service quality step by step, managing market’s order; and putting into effect to chain-relation manages, paying attention to residence teaching to playing, providing the theory basis for t