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文档介绍:General description
Racial issues still plague American society as a big problem, but the blatant "racial discrimination" is less and less.

Today the new and old racial discrimination coexist in the United States. On the one hand, the old racist forces still exist. Despite the small number, they can always set off big waves. On the other hand, the racial discrimination in the United States is showing a new phenomenon in a new field. From the current point of view, the traditional political conservative forces began to intervene to hidden cultural discrimination instead of single racial discrimination.

American scholars noticed a strange phenomenon, on the one hand, the United States more intense racial discrimination, on the other hand, the American society worry about the existence of racial discrimination. Although they all know that racial discrimination is not good, they would consciously or unconsciously did it, and the racial discrimination in the United States is still exist in the middle of this vicious circle.
The Situation of . Racial Makeup
The latest statistics show that the United States has a population of 280 million, 180 million still accounts for the majority of whites, accounting for about 63% of the . population. These people's home, mostly in Europe, and there are a small number of people or their ancestors are emigrated from North Africa and the Middle East. Since the United States was founded, these people are the main body of the American society.
Document about American’s human rights in 2005
Many fields in America such as judiciary, medical treatment, employment, career, etc.
The Situation of African-Americans in 2005
The African-American families’ e is only one tenth of the white one’s
The welfare for Negros occupied three fourths of that for the white
In 2004, the black Americans’ rate of population below the poverty line hit per cent
Reports say that there is a trend in schools in America to carry o


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