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上传人:luciferios02 2017/2/20 文件大小:146 KB




文档介绍:1 An Introduction to UK & USA Part Ⅰ The United Kingdom 1. Geographical Features ? 1. The British Isles are situated in the northwest of Europe in the Atlantic Ocean. ? 2. English Channel / North Sea ? 3. England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland ? 4. Full title: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ? 5. area: Square kms / from north to south; 500kms widest ? 6. England: , 60% of Whole Island . ? A) Pennine mountains runs from Scottish boarder as far south as Derbyshire about 241km in the north. Altitude is 200-500meters. ? B) Bulk of Pennines 奔宁山脉 is moorland. ? C) Lake District to the west of Pennines ? D) plateau in the southwest and west, east and midlands are low-lying. ? 7. Scotland: in northern part. ? A) Highlands & islands of Hebrides in the north, rugged, bare, mountainous. Benvis, highest peak, . ? B) Central Lowlands, relatively flat. ? C) Southern Uplands, rolling moorland with small fertile river valleys. ? 8. Wales on the Western Prominence. , 9% of the whole island. ? A) industrial south ? B) central plateaus and lakes ? C) Mountainous north. ? 9. Northern Island, with six counties. Mountains in the north and south, separated by the fertile basin of Lough Neagh, mainly agricultural, industrial center: two ports – Belfast and Londonderry. 2. Climate ? 1) moderated by the Atlantic Gu


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