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unit 13-15.doc

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unit 13-15.doc


文档介绍:Unit 13 People
has ___________,so don’t hope to be perfect.
’m very ___________ for your ’ll work even harder.
my great ___________,they all passed the exam.
’s bad manners to make fun of the should be given respect as much as healthy people.
has saved a lot of money for ___________ (紧急情况).
(向……祈求) to God for his wife’s safety.
book gives a short ___________ (描述) of the city.
___________ (预言) modern kids will have poorer health than their parents.
be patient with,have sth. to do with,can’t help doing,even if,give a description,on one’s pared with,with anxiety,to be honest,be upset about
won’t go to the party ___________ I am invited.
’s my fault and it___________ you.
___________ thinking he’s lying,so I can’t help to apologize for him.
should ___________the baby.
___________ vivid ___________ of what he saw.
6. ___________ this room,our room is much brighter.
can finish the task ___________ now.
8. ___________,I don’t like your idea at all.
is still ___________ losing money.
’s waiting for his son ___________.
。(give expression to)


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