关键字:建筑工程; 质量管理; 质量控制
In the construction industry increasingly petitive environment, quality at the core of non-petition has e an important position. Good or bad quality of building construction will be a direct and serious impact on the development of enterprises. Currently the construction project quality control laws and regulations have been gradually established and improved. The practice of quality management and control has made great progress. But in practice it still needs to continuously improve and explore their construction projects to fit the needs of the quality management and control model, so that it will has better internationalization and improve quality level of construction projects.
This paper describes the construction project quality management and control of development and current situation. First of all, the quality of projects (including project management of the quality factors and elements); further analysis of project quality management procedures and content; and then analyzing the quality control of the domestic construction projects based on the main stage, tasks, contents and methods, The content includes the construction side, supervisor, designer quality control on the project elements; Finally, quality management and control of construction projects the existing problems and proposed a series of methods to solve these problems.
Keywords: Construction; Quality Management; Quality Control
1 绪论 1
选题的背景和研究的意义 1
国内外研究的现状 1
本文研究的内容 4
2 建筑工程项目质量管理 5
工程项目质量概述 5
工程项目质量的含义及其特点 5