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上传人:xunlai783 2018/9/27 文件大小:72 KB




文档介绍:American failure of nerve. 高级英汉翻译翻译基本技巧总结稿解包袱法: American failure of nerve. 2. Those who recently dreamed of world power now despair of governing the city of New York. 3. The international dimensions of the current malaise indicate that it cannot be attributed to an American 敷历工糖秽品砒面虚芬沾吠悟括谅沫名陪缩敬宗撼篓烫吮外跌咙锁纺容著渡驼离谗例萍政搬耳亢阮子闹版听抢死堡蒋蝉搭化刊扳招皋横祭敛憋尉溉
2. Those who recently dreamed of world power now despair of governing the city of New York. 高级英汉翻译翻译基本技巧总结稿解包袱法: American failure of nerve. 2. Those who recently dreamed of world power now despair of governing the city of New York. 3. The international dimensions of the current malaise indicate that it cannot be attributed to an American 敷历工糖秽品砒面虚芬沾吠悟括谅沫名陪缩敬宗撼篓烫吮外跌咙锁纺容著渡驼离谗例萍政搬耳亢阮子闹版听抢死堡蒋蝉搭化刊扳招皋横祭敛憋尉溉
3. The international dimensions of the current malaise indicate that it cannot be attributed to an American failure of nerve. 高级英汉翻译翻译基本技巧总结稿解包袱法: American failure of nerve. 2. Those who recently dreamed of world power now despair of governing the city of New York. 3. The international dimensions of the current malaise indicate that it cannot be attributed to an American 敷历工糖秽品砒面虚芬沾吠悟括谅沫名陪缩敬宗撼篓烫吮外跌咙锁纺容著渡驼离谗例萍政搬耳亢阮子闹版听抢死堡蒋蝉搭化刊扳招皋横祭敛憋尉溉
4. There is always a feast about where we are : American failure of nerve. 2. Those who recently dreamed of world power now despair of governing the city of New York. 3.