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Unit 6   How long have you been studying history?   ( Reading)
Step 1. Warm up
  T: Hello, everyone! Do you like playing games? Let’s play a guessing game.
28 6
4 2
67 68
These numbers are about me.
Eg: I’m 28 years old.
I have two hobbys.
Can you guess what do they mean? (The students have a discussion about this.)
Just now I said I have two hobbies, one is collecting cards. Look! These are my cards. Do you like them? If you can answer my question, I’ll give you one of other is studying history.
【点评】只有通过师生、生生间大量的语言交流,才能培养学生用英语交际的能力。课堂上的Free Talk是培养学生听说能力的有效方式。通过谈话自然地引入本课的主题.
Step 2. Reading
Activity1 Speaking
Do you like studying history?
1. How many Chinese dynasties can you think of?
2. How many famous characters from Chinese history can you think of? Make a list.
3. Can you think of famous characters from the history of other countries? Make a list.
After students answering the questions, teacher say:
OK! You are very good! I have a friend. He likes studying Chinese history, too.
Do you want to know him? Look! This is him. (多媒体展示Tom 照片)
Activity2 Listening
Do you want to know more about him?
Do you know what is his family?
How long has he been studying Chinese history?
Let’s listen.
Activity3 Scanning
OK! Next, let’s read the text and choose the best heading for each paragraph.
Read the passage and choose the best heading for each paragraph.
A. The history of my family.
B. The experience of my learning Chinese history.
C. Something about Harbin.
Activity4 Careful reading
Now we have known the main meaning of each paragraph. This time let’s read each p