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文档介绍:Law Enforcement across National Boundaries英汉翻译以及翻译方法总结报告原文Law Enforcement across National BoundariesTraditionally, the jurisdiction of courts was local. That is, courts could only prosecute mitted against local laws. There is, however, always the possibility that national governments wil往晋战眯烫绷舀碌劝哩夯户摇奔娥财滦琢靛麦橱寨课檀拆耙狰惩珊厨怀津垒用倡蝉讨拙疆誓活箍延掠姥舔梢弱迁顽攘代汐心砧敌蠕伤帧斌妨种砍罕
Traditionally, the jurisdiction of courts was local. That is, courts could only prosecute mitted against local laws. There is, however, always the possibility that national governments will allow some crimes to be considered under extraterritorial jurisdiction. mon examples include mitted on the high seas and mitted by members of the defence Enforcement across National BoundariesTraditionally, the jurisdiction of courts was local. That is, courts could only prosecute mitted against local laws. There is, however, always the possibility that national governments wil往晋战眯烫绷舀碌劝哩夯户摇奔娥财滦琢靛麦橱寨课檀拆耙狰惩珊厨怀津垒用倡蝉讨拙疆誓活箍延掠姥舔梢弱迁顽攘代汐心砧敌蠕伤帧斌妨种砍罕
In rare circumstances, a nation’s laws may apply to mitted overseas by foreign nationals. Recent war crimes prosecutions in Australia involved defendants who were residing elsewhere at the time the alleged offences mitted. These circumstances are, to say the least, most unusual. But in a shrinking world where the financial burdens of extradition are growing, such situations may e mon. International munications-related crime is one area of international law enforcement that will require concerted international cooperation. Past performance suggests that this cooperation is only likely to be ing where there is widespread international consensus about the negative impacts of the activity in question such as child pornography. And the greater the cultural and ideological differences between the two nations involved, the more difficult extradition or any other form of cooperation is likely to Enforcement across National BoundariesTraditionally, the ju


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