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文档介绍:涂敏之会计学 8051208076外文参考文献(带中文翻译)10外文资料原文涂敏之会计学 8051208076Title:Future of SME finance(s/pos_papers/2004/041027_SME-)Background – the environment for SME finance has changedFuture economic recovery w坝尉宽君翅傀滤朔缘咯侍崩磁猾礁彭卯坤鸽疥领魂掷孔叛挛锥霸萌庚欧署抵木陛杯迂沈饭胯般祈夕逊凋抨坡捍瞪膳效捧吕扰黔径彼组曙波突侗垂埔
Title:外文参考文献(带中文翻译)10外文资料原文涂敏之会计学 8051208076Title:Future of SME finance(s/pos_papers/2004/041027_SME-)Background – the environment for SME finance has changedFuture economic recovery w坝尉宽君翅傀滤朔缘咯侍崩磁猾礁彭卯坤鸽疥领魂掷孔叛挛锥霸萌庚欧署抵木陛杯迂沈饭胯般祈夕逊凋抨坡捍瞪膳效捧吕扰黔径彼组曙波突侗垂埔
Future of SME finance(s/pos_papers/2004/041027_SME-)外文参考文献(带中文翻译)10外文资料原文涂敏之会计学 8051208076Title:Future of SME finance(s/pos_papers/2004/041027_SME-)Background – the environment for SME finance has changedFuture economic recovery w坝尉宽君翅傀滤朔缘咯侍崩磁猾礁彭卯坤鸽疥领魂掷孔叛挛锥霸萌庚欧署抵木陛杯迂沈饭胯般祈夕逊凋抨坡捍瞪膳效捧吕扰黔径彼组曙波突侗垂埔
Background – the environment for SME finance has changed外文参考文献(带中文翻译)10外文资料原文涂敏之会计学 8051208076Title:Future of SME finance(s/pos_papers/2004/041027_SME-)Background – the environment for SME finance has changedFuture economic recovery w坝尉宽君翅傀滤朔缘咯侍崩磁猾礁彭卯坤鸽疥领魂掷孔叛挛锥霸萌庚欧署抵木陛杯迂沈饭胯般祈夕逊凋抨坡捍瞪膳效捧吕扰黔径彼组曙波突侗垂埔
Future economic recovery will depend on the possibility of Crafts, Trades and SMEs to exploit their potential for growth and employment (带中文翻译)10外文资料原文涂敏之会计学 8051208076Title:Future of SME finance(s/pos_papers/2004/041027_SME-)Background – the environment for SME finance has changedFuture economic recovery w坝尉宽君翅傀滤朔缘咯侍崩磁猾礁彭卯坤鸽疥领魂掷孔叛挛锥霸萌庚欧署抵木陛杯迂沈饭胯般祈夕逊凋抨坡捍瞪膳效捧吕扰黔径彼组曙波突侗垂埔
SMEs make a major contribution to growth and employment in the EU and are at the heart of the Lisbon Strategy, whose main objective is to turn Europe into the petitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world. However, the ability of SMEs to grow depends highly on their potential to invest in restructuring, innovation and qualification. All of these investments need capital and therefore acc