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一项目描述(Project Description)
Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway, Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail passenger line referred to as the Beijing-Shanghai fast passenger corridor, is China's "four vertical and four horizontal" passenger work where "a vertical", is also China's "long-term work plan" large-scale investment high technical level of a project. Since the founding of New China, a building long mileage, high investment, high standard of high-speed railway. Line from the Beijing South Railway Station to Shanghai Hongqiao Station, length of 1318 km, runs through Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and three municipalities Ji Lu Wan-su four Province, connecting the Yangtze River Delta and the Bohai Sea economic zone two. Total investment of about billion yuan, set up 24 stations. Infrastructure design speed of 300km / h, 2008 年 4 18 officially started June 30, 2011 opening of Beijing to Shanghai as fast as 4:48.
二项目概况(Project Overview)
Bridge length of about 1140km, accounting for % of the length of line; tunnel length of about 16km, accounting for % of line length; embankment length of 162km, accounting for % of line length; non-ballasted main line across the board laying about 1,268 km, accounting for line length %. Line ballasted track is about 50 km, accounting for % of the line length. Total land line 5000km2 (excluding the Beijing South Railway Station, Beijing motor car segment, Dashengguan bridge and associated works)
三项目经理委托(mission of the Project manager)
资格要求(Quality requirements):


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