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文档介绍:College English Book 1
Henan University of Urban Construction更多资源访问:攀登英语网
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
Unit 6
Unit 7
Unit 8
Well , Congratulation on your ess . e to our institute and e to my class . We are friends now . I’d like to say sth. to you .
Topic 1. Your Learning Task
Boys and girls , you’ll begin a new long march . In order to learn English well and to pass CET, Band 4 or Band 6 (英语四,六级) one or two years later you’ll have to work harder than ever .
Free Talk
You’ll have no choice but to learn more than one thousand English words or expressions in each term within two years (5,000 words / 2 years) . In both junior and senior middle schools , you spent 6 years learning about two thousand English words and expressions (2,000 words /6 years) . That’s a great gap or difference between them. So it is true that you should study harder than you in the past , or else you’ll regret .
Topic 2. Time for your study in Class
We have four classes each week and finish one unit in less than two weeks , while in middle school you had 6-8 classes each week . That is
to say , you must make full use of your spare time before class to prepare your lesson and after class to go over what you’ve learned . There are four parts in each Unit . Part I and III are designed to be studied by yourself , while part II and IV we’ll study together in class . And you should get ready for them and review them (Also , Text B is as important as Text A ) . Otherwise ,you’ll have difficulties in your English learning . We don’t hope so .
Topic 3. Studying methods
Diligence is the best way to learn English . Studying diligently and training hard (勤学苦练), a best policy , will tell many effective ways to you and lead you to ess . Learning English
is about the same to learning swimming ,shooting , etc. practice is important and necessary , English is a course of technical ability or skill , not a theory course that understanding is OK . es from pra


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