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上传人:文库旗舰店 2018/10/13 文件大小:38 KB





The right to education of the left-behind children in rural areas
[Abstract] In recent years, a large number of rural surplus labor force in rural migrant workers, the emergence of such a special group --" Left-behind children". Family care, lack of government of rural basic education, lack of social support for rural left-behind children love dim etc many factors make the left-behind children's education status quo worrying, their upbringing and education problems not only related to the healthy development, but also related to the development of rural education and the establishment of the goal of a harmonious society. Pay close attention to the rural left-behind children, cogent safeguard of rural left-behind children's right to education to e the problem that solves urgently. This article provides an overview of the left-behind children's right to education and the status of the existing problems, analyzes the reasons of these problems, and puts forward some security of rural left-behind children's right to education measures.
[Key words] Left behind children in rural areas; The right


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