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上传人:文库旗舰店 2018/10/13 文件大小:40 KB




文档介绍:Structure of Bulidings
A building is closely bound up with people, for it provides people with the necessary space to work and live in. As classified by their use, buildings are mainly of two types: industrial buildings and civil buildings. Industrial buildings are used by various factories or industrial production while civil buildings are those that are used by people for dwelling, employment, education and other social activities.
The construction of industrial buildings is the same as that of civil buildings. However, industrial and civil buildings differ in the material used, and in the structure forms or systems they are used.
Considering only the engineering essentials, the structure of a building can be difined as the assemblage of those parts which exist for the purpose of maintaining shape and stability. Is primy purpose is to resist any loads applied to the building and to transmit those to the ground.
In terms of architecture, the structue of a building is and dose much more than that. It is an inseparable part of the building form to varying degrees is a generator of that form. Used skillfully, the building structure can establish or reinforce orders and rhythms among the architecture volumes and planes. It can be visually dominant or recessive. It can develop harmonies or conflicts. It can be both confining and emincipating. And, unfortunately in some cases, it cannot be ingored. It is physical.
The structure must also be engineered to maintain the architecture form. The principles and tools of physics teand mathematics provide the basis for differentiating between rational and inrational forms in terms of construction. Artists can sometimes generate shapes that obviate any consideration of science, but architects cannot.
There are at least three items that must be present in the structure of a building: stabily, strength and stiffness, economy.
Taking the first of the three requiements, it is obvious that stability is needed to maintain shape.