本文的电子相册是通过Flash MX 2004软件制作的。Flash电子相册因为其画面活拨、新颖且极具动感,具有独特的平面动感风格很快被年轻一代所追捧。本课题是用Flash MX 2004软件将相片,音乐,文字以及富有新意的界面融合在一起并配合Photoshop强大的图像处理功能美化制作的电子相册。本文充分显示了Flash MX 2004的简单直观又操作方便的动画设计功能。
关键词: Flash Photoshop 相册
Photos leave an ettable and eternal to treasure those permanent memory?Photos will damage for a long time,with the passage of time photos will be yellow, faded, or even ings can be pletely by electronic album.
For a static photo material (get from scanner, digital camera ,etc.),with dynamic background,the prospects and subtitles video processing special effects,music can be produced into an electronic album. Electronic album can be watched on puter, all types of player, as well as in all mobile phones and technological development of electronic photo album is a new breakthrough to this day, not as traditional as can only be on puter or a player to can share their own personalize MTV with distant friends and family by mobile phones.
The electronic album in this paper is produced by Flash MX 2004 e-album is quickly popular in the younger generation because of its lively screen, innovative and highly dynamic, a unique style of the dynamic topic is produced with photos, music,word, animation and innovative interface and together with the powerful Photoshop image-processing functions by Flash MX 2004 software .This article demonstrates Flash MX 2004 which is a simple and intuitive and user-friendly design features tools.
Keywords: Flash; Photoshop; Ablum
第一章引言 5
电子相册的兴起 5
电子相册简介 5
电子相册概要 5
电子相册的优点 6
第二章开发工具 6
关于flash 6
Flash的产生及其特点 6