Along with China's sustained economic development and people's living standards increasing, China's auto consumption market is rapidly expansion. This amazing and sustaining growth of the demand is booming the China's auto logistics industry. Automotive Logistics Industry is facing an unprecedented good opportunity. Furthermore, as one top of leading part of the auto logistics industry, the essful operation of warehouse would in return promote the logistics’s development. The level of warehouse management directly affects the operation of storage conditions, and decides whether the warehouse will well operation. An appropriate warehouse management could effectively reduce the cost of corporation. The paper mainly describes the related of warehouse and the management of it firstly, including of the overview of the FAW. Secondly, it analyses the present situation and the problem of the FAW. Finally, give some improvements against the problems it owns above on.
Keywords: warehouse management Just-in-time warehouse
引言 1
一、仓储的概述 2
(一)仓储管理的基本定义 2
(二)仓储管理的基本内容 2
(三)仓储的功能 3
(四)汽车物流的概述 4
二、一汽国际物流介绍 5
(一)一汽国际物流简介 5
(二)一汽国际物流主要业务介绍 6
三、一汽国际物流仓储管理现状以及存在的问题 8
(一)部分库房布局不合理,以及仓库设施不完善 8
(二)安全隐患问题的存在 9
(三)零部件存放出库未遵循原则 9
(四)托盘与零件料斗存在的问题 9
(五)管理制度方面存在的问题 9
四、对一汽国际物流的建议 10
(一)合理规划仓库布局 10
(二)防范安全隐患的产生 14
(三)零件定址定位与进出库次序合理化 15
(四)托盘与零件料斗的处理 15
(五)完善管理制度 15
结论 17
参考文献 18
致谢 19