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阿甘正传 英文观后感.doc

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阿甘正传 英文观后感.doc

上传人:zbfc1172 2018/10/27 文件大小:38 KB


阿甘正传 英文观后感.doc



文档介绍:Actually, there were some of friends have mended this movie to me in the past few years. It can not arouse my interest at all when I heard the name of movie. I thought it must be boring which mains tell about the life of a person. But when I had the first class of , he said, there is movie he had watched more than ten times. It has been having a very great effect on his life. It is Forrest Gump. After that class I made a decision to watch it. I am feeling very deep after watching and I understood why this movie can makes my teacher watch so many Review of Forrest GumpActually, there were some of friends have mended this movie to me in the past few years. It can not arouse my interest at all when I heard the name of movie. I thought it must be boring which mains tell about the life姿挪祁甄炮沪侄庞艘其牺氟邯隶度豪菌干柱顷戚憨颅绥确镭拢昌回仗眶乾禁蹋蔼畦针丢瞳卢类柳班铱拥杜艾苦伯脱类脱瘦舍御喊错蹭罗脆撑挫毡晚
“Don’t ever let anybody tell you that they’re better than you, Forrest. If God intended everybody to be the same, he’d have given us all braces on our legs. ” Mrs. Gump said. These sentences give me a deep thought at the beginning of the movie. It wants to tell us: Don’t ever let anybody tell you that you can’t when you want to do something. Everyone is unique just as there is no pletely same leaves in the world. When I was six years old, I always ask my mother, why I can’t run as fast as others. ﹙Because my bo