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文档介绍:Chapter 3 91
Sonographic and power
Doppler normal anatomy
Cartilage is a greatly specialized type of connective tissue,posed of water (70-80% by wet
weight). It is avascular and aneural. The ponent of cartilage is formed of cells (chondro-
cytes) that are scattered in a firm gel-like substance (extracellular matrix) consisting of collagen and
proteoglycans. Collagen forms work of fibrils, which resists the swelling pressure generated by
the proteoglycans. In the musculoskeletal system there are two types of cartilage: hyaline and fibro-
cartilage. Compared to hyaline, fibrocartilage contains more collagen and is more resistant at tensile
is found in intervertebral disks,symphyses,glenoid labra,menisci,the round
ligament of the femur,and at sites connecting tendons or ligaments to cartilage is the
mon variety of cartilage. It is found in costal cartilage, epiphyseal plates and covering bones
in joints (articular cartilage). The free surfaces of most hyaline cartilage (but not articular cartilage)
are covered by a layer of fibrous connective tissue (perichondrium). Hyaline cartilage structure is
not uniform ().Instead,it is stratified and divided into four zones: superficial,middle,deep,and
calcified. The superficial zone, also called tangential zone, is considered the articular surface and is
characterized by flattened chondrocytes, relatively low quantities of proteoglycan, and numerous
thicker fibrils arranged parallel to the articular surface in order to resist articular cartilage
this layer acts as a barrier because there is no middle zone,or transitional zone,
in contrast,has round chondrocytes,the highest level of proteoglycan among the four zones,and a ran-
dom arrangement of deep (radiate zone) is the thickest zone,characterized by collagen
fibrils that are perpendicular to the underlying bone,acting as an anchor to