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文档介绍:Thank you for your using air source water heater series products. Please read instruction book before use and keep it for future reference. Please record the machine model and serial number on the warranty card.
Adaptive Model Number: JN-100L、150L、200L、300L.
1. Cautions-----------------------------------------------------
2. Performance and Features---------------------------------
3. Performance Parameter------------------------------------
4. Operation Instructions-------------------------------------
5. Product Structure-------------------------------------------
6. Outdoor Circuit Diagram----------------------------------
7. Care and Maintenance-------------------------------------
8. Simple Trouble Self-examination------------------------
9. Warranty card------------------------------------------------
1. Cautions
Thanks for your purchasing our products, please note the following points:
a. Read this instruction book carefully before installation!
c. Power socket shall be triplex receptacle with safe ground wire and match with the machine plug. The content shall no less than 2 times of machine rated current. The socket shall be near the machine and in the place of plug reached.
d. It shall use special branch circuit that 2 times more than maximum rated current. The wire shall match to the maximum value of customer use. The circuit shall hold suitable all-pole disconnection protector (-2 times more than rated current.
e. The display board shall be installed in the shade dry place.
f. Keep the water tank full before the power socket is connected at the first time. Please do not close the water valve at the time of normal use or it will not make the water outlet.
g. Do not set over heated water as you would like to. As the water temperature reach to the 55℃. You should mix the cool water with hot water for being scalded (especially old man and children);
h. Do not install and move the machine by yourself. All works shall be done by p


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