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文档介绍:pany SWOT analysis
陈章胜 4703160027
胡沈言 4703160023
王丁 4703160057
S 优势分析
1,brands' own advantages
 (1) the product looks beautiful, vivo brand mobile phone follow the trend of the times, and constantly introduce new packaging to attract more customers and make customers fresh and fresh.
(2)powerful camera and music (HiFi) service Vivo mobile phone more famous slogan to subvert the wave trapping horizon; front 20 million soft light your self beauty; let the e alive and so on. These ads make people feel that the vivo cell phone is a young person's mobile phone, it is full of energy, major in music and photography, attracting a lot of young people to buy.

(2) strong economic ability, vivo belongs to a subsidiary of BBK group, powerful.
(3) technology lead, vivo mobile phone technology at the moment appears to be in the domestic first-class level.
(4) the service depth of vivo mobile phone is good, and it is a special mobile phone for the Chinese people who are custom-made for the use of mobile phones in China.
2. enterprise advantages
(1) strong enterprises, brand awareness is very high.
W 劣势分析
1. products market share is low, vivo only do high-end models, low end market basically do not consider, petitive brands and powerful.
vivo technology is in the first class level in China, the original technology is still not enough, but it is just the pace of the high-end mobile phone in foreign countries.
2. BBK mobile phone name, although a long time, but changed to vivo mobile phone time is shorter, the popularity is not high.
4. the demand for mobile phone price, quality and service level is raised.
3. products market share is low, vivo only do high-end models, low end market basically do not consider, petitive brands and strong strength.
O 机会分析
At present, there is a great demand for smart phones in China, and vivo has a good reputation.
Business is the human activity related to material things. It is


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