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Chinese martial arts中国武术英文介绍(精选).ppt

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Chinese martial arts中国武术英文介绍(精选).ppt

上传人:pangzhan335 2015/9/16 文件大小:0 KB


Chinese martial arts中国武术英文介绍(精选).ppt


文档介绍:The prospect of Chinese martial arts
Nowadays, some people write a lot of novels about Chinese martial arts.
Jin Yong’s novels are very popular with people.
Of course, Jin Yong’s novels base on the Chinese martial arts, but they have lost the essence of it.
Due to mercialized martial arts,
such as Hollywood Kung Fu movies and culture,
martial morality has too often been ignored or downplayed in modern times.
Chinese martial arts only can be found in novels or plays now. Even the martial peted in petitions is not the real martial arts at all.
We have abandoned the spirits and morals of the arts created in the old days.
The problem is not with martial arts itself, but with the fact that fewer people today have the need to learn fighting skills.
Today's busy modern life is also an obstacle , because it takes at least a decade's hard work to learn it properly.
Where do the Chinese martial arts go from here to survive in modern China and find a niche in global culture, two interrelated aspects in modern society?
preserve the original level of high quality and standards
four basic techniques :
kicking, punching, throwing , seizing
it will be necessary to design a training program that fully applies traditional Chinese martial arts theory and skills , and to determine rules and protective equipment suited petition.
emphasize the social functions of Chinese martial arts
Today, Chinese martial arts are not just about exercise, they are also increasingly ing important social activities.
The purpose of learning martial arts today is totally different. In the past people learned to defend themselves, but now people learn for reasons of health or fun, or because they love it.
So We have to face up to reality. They cannot play the role it did in ancient times. It has to carry new social responsibilities.
Chinese martial arts can be a fitness fad. It's a great way to keep fit and healthy
It can also be an exciting hobby which gives you a positive fo