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翻译电器名称 I835使用用说明
班级 09级电子信息二班
学号 200908060830211

User Manual
for Safe and Efficient Use
Please read this information before using your mobile phone. These instructions are intended for your safety. Please follow these guidelines.
Do not use your phone in an area where a potentially explosive atmosphere exists such as chemical plant, gas station.
Keep out of children’s reach.
Use earphone to make or answer a call during driving for an emergency, otherwise please pull off the road and park before making or answering a call if driving conditions so require.
Do not use your phone on plane. Please turn off Auto Power before boarding.
Mobile phones may affect the operation of cardiac pacemakers, hearing aid and other medical electronic equipments. Care shall be taken.
The warranty covers only ponents and parts.
Do not attempt to disassemble or modify your phone. Please contact designated service station in case of phone failure.
Do not charge your phone without battery mounted.
Charge your phone in an area where ventilation and heat-emission is excellent and where is far away bustible and explosible material.
Do not make your phone close to ic material such as ic disk and credit card to avoid ization.
Do not expose your phone to liquid. In case of exposure to liquid, disassemble the battery and contact our designated service station.
Do not use your phone in too high or too low temperature; do not expose your phone to extreme sunshine and high humidity.
Do not clean your phone with liquid or cloth soaked with detergent.
Please abide by corresponding rules and laws when you take a picture or record with your phone.
Do not drop, throw or strike your phone to keep shell ponents well.
<Warning>: pany shall not be responsible for phone failure caused by not abiding by the above guidelines or improper use.
In case of discrepancy in this manual and your phone, plea


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