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上传人:小博士 2018/11/15 文件大小:88 KB




Abstract: Pipa is an old Chinese plucked string instrument. It is also called the Chinese lute. It has been played in China over two thousand of years. In the ancient years,Pipa is widely used, especially in South of China. Today, it is also used for score. It is called the “king of folk music” or the “king of plucked string instrument”. The article introduces Pipa includes the derivation of its name, its history, position, its genres, and its major kinds,and how to choose a good Pipa as well as how to protect it.
Key words: Pipa plucked string instrument China
The introduction of Pipa
As a plucked Chinese string instrument, Pipa has already existed over two thousand of years since the Qin Dynasty (221BC-206BC), and developed by the Han Dynasty. It is called the “king of folk music” or the “king of plucked string instrument”.
The Pipa is a four-stringed Chinese instrument,sometimes called the Chinese lute, the instrument has a pear-shaped wooden body with a varying number of frets ranging from 12- related instruments in East and Southeast Asia are derived from the Pipa; these include the Japanese Biwa,the Vietnamese dan ty ba, and the Korean Bipa. The Korean instrument is the only one of the three that is no longer used.


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