experiment - v. to test; n. a test or trial carried out to prove if an idea is true or false, or to discover something
expert - n. a person with special knowledge or training
explain - v. to give reasons for; to make clear; to tell about; to tell the meaning
explode - v. to break apart violently with a loud noise, like a bomb
explore - v. to travel in a place that is not well known to learn more about it; to make a careful search; to examine closely
export - v. to send to another country; n. something sent to another country, usually for sale
express - v. to say clearly
extend - v. to stretch out in area or length; to continue for a longer time
extra - ad. more than normal, expected or necessary
extreme - ad. more than the usual or accepted
extremist - n. a person with strong religious or political beliefs who acts in an extreme or violent way
fact - n. something known or proved to be true
factory - n. a building or group of buildings where goods are made
fail - v. to not eed; to not reach a goal
fair - ad. just; honest; what is right
fall - v. to go down quickly; e down; to drop to the ground or a lower position
false - ad. not true; not correct
family - n. the group that includes children and their parents
famous - ad. known v