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上传人:雾里行舟 2018/11/25 文件大小:21 KB





you travel in Nanjing you want to take some photos, you need a c_____
buy it and read it every day to know what it happens around us, it’s N______
write it on the paper and you may not want people to see it,it’s the D_____
are very hot when you don’t have water to drink, you will feel T_____
2010 World cup is hosted in A_______

Dressing up read books took part in has a ic taking a walk
I _____ a singing contest last month
2. At a party ,we are_____Pleasant Goat and big big wolf
3.---Is that Jim speaking?
-----no,he is not in. he is ____in the park
brother usually _____at home . sometimes he _____ in a park.

life of the silkworm begins with e_____.
stems of plants absorb w________and nutrients near.
3. banana trees live in r___forest.
food chain, the wolves eat rabbits and the rabbits want to eat g_________

lives in dry regions and absorb water through stems. _____
lives in the tree, it hoards nuts for the winter. _____
molts in winter, the fur will turns white _____
has long ears and wants to eat grass_____
walks with its tail in the sea. _____

we take railway from Nanjing to shanghai to visit the world expo2010,how many hours do we need?


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