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文档介绍:Period 5 Listening
Unit 2 English around the world
Ask some students to tell the words that are different in American English & British English
Revision ( 2m )
Listening – I ( 5m ) Ex. 5 on Page 12.
Listen to these dialogues. Find the British and American words which are different but have the same meaning.
Dialogue 1: candy----sweets
Dialogue 2: truck----lorry
Dialogue 3: fall----autumn
Listening – II ( 13m ) Listening on Page 14.
1. Listen to the tape for the first time and try your best to get the main idea of what is talking.
2. Listen to the tape for the second time, pay attention to the exercise of page 14. Try your best to find out the answers to these questions.
Answer keys for the exercises on page 14
He believes it’s almost a different country from the US. The listening text tells us it is so.
The boys thought that the catfish was almost the size of a house..
He thought the catfish would eat him.
They laughed because Lester believed the catfish would hurt him.
Jane is the second speaker, Buford’s teacher. She is from Britain.
She says “Hello”.
Listening – III ( 10m ) Listening Task on Page 51.
1. Ask the students to tell the names of the countries where E