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文档介绍:Twenty-four Chinese Solar Terms
By 文振帆王恒俊
24 Solar Terms
Based on the changes of the sun's position in the zodiac throughout the year and practical needs of agriculture in ancient China, the “24 solar terms” is an important kind of calendar in China. It indicates different periods of seasons, the changes of weather, some natural phenomena and more, guiding farmers in agriculture production greatly. Common people also follow the calendar to watch out weather changes and live a healthy life.
Grain in ear
As early as the Shang Dynasty (17th century BC - 1046 BC), the Chinese ancestors had already established four major solar terms. During the Zhou Dynasty (1046 - 256 BC), eight solar terms marking the four seasons were established: Start of Spring, Spring Equinox, Start of Summer, Summer Solstice, Start of Autumn, Autumn Equinox, Start of Winter, and Winter Solstice. Until the Han Dynasty (202 BC - 220 AD), the present 24 solar terms was pletely.
The rains
The twenty-four solar terms can be divided into three groups:
One group reflects the seasonal changes (including 8 terms): Start of Spring, Start of Summer, Start of Autumn and Start of Winter mark the four seasons; Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, Autumn Equinox, and Winter Solstice reflect the height changes of the sun from the astronomy aspect.
Insects awaken
One embodies natural phenomena (including 4 terms): Insects Awaken, Pure Brightness, Grain Full and Grain in Ear
Vernal Equinox
The rest reflects the climate changes (including 12 terms): Slight Heat, Great Heat, The End of Heat, Lesser Cold and Greater Cold tell the temperature changes; Rain Water, Grain Rain, Light Snow and Heavy Snow reflect the precipitation levels; White Dew, Cold Dew and Frost Descent reflect the dropping process and degree of the temperature.
Pure Brightness
The date of each solar term is basically fixed with minor differences of within one or two days.  Each month has two solar terms.
Grain rain
Following, let us


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