文档介绍:NIH 资助项目申请流程
Planning: Applicant should start early, collect preliminary data, and determine internal deadlines.
Writing: Applicant often begins writing application several months prior to application due date.
Submitting: anization submits most applications to NIH through Federal portal, .
pliant with NIH policies are assigned for review by the Division of Receipt and Referral in the Center of Scientific Review (CSR).
CSR assigns application to an NIH Institute/Center (IC) and a Scientific Review Group (SRG).
Scientific Review Officer (SRO) assigns applications to reviewers and readers.
Initial Level of Review: SRG members review and evaluate applications for scientific merit.
Priority Scores: Available to Principal Investigator on mons.
Summary Statement: Available to Principal Investigator on mons.
Second Level of Review: Advisory council/board reviews applications.