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01 01 case interview-client situation.pdf

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01 01 case interview-client situation.pdf


文档介绍:Bain & Company - Join Bain - Interview Practice - Interactive Case Pra...c 页码,1/1

Overview Springboard Our Culture Roles Profiles & Places Interview Practice @ Your Colle


Interactive Case
1. Introd
client sit
The Client Situation
2. Develo

3. Estima
Bain has just been approached by Friendly Cookies, a strongly relevant f
branded pany regionally focused on the western United
4. Synthe
States. Over the last 18 months, significant turmoil has led to
organizational and operational challenges, including plete
corporate anization as well as several failed product 5. Make a
extensions. me
In addition, Friendly Cookies has brought the following general
trends to Bain's attention, which occurred over the last year:

z Profits fell by over 50%
z Revenue fell by a few percent
z Sales volume (packages of cookies sold) also fell by a few
z Cookie prices have been rising by a few percent
On behalf of Bain, you have been asked to advise Friendly Cook