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上传人:xgs758698 2018/12/4 文件大小:29 KB




文档介绍:After you finish cramming(为考试死记硬背) for the college entrance exams, maybe you feel it’s time to sit back and relax a while. But wait a moment. Pull yourself together and try making some plans for college first!
Every student has to take that first step to a fruitful life and no one really wants to regret the way he or she spent those four years.
“It is better to map out college life as early as possible,” suggests Sun Mei, deputy director of Beijing Foreign Studies University’s Career Counseling Center. “In fact, we see quite a number of students who still feel confused about their goals after four years. They often make the wrong decision and that affects their lives.”
But, you don’t need to feel threatened by that. The 21st Century editor e up with some tips to help you out. You can tailor them to fit your own needs.

Freshman year: Take a look at yourself
It’s the perfect time to do a quick evaluation before you really do anything. So it’s better to list your strong and weak points and think of areas you want to work on or improve. For instance, you can get a real picture of your leadership, communications, and independent thinking skills.
Set goals that you really want. “They don’t have to so specific, like entering a pany, because your ideas may change over time, just give yourself some direction,” is the advice of Su Huiying, director of recruitment and res


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