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上传人:apaihuai51 2018/12/4 文件大小:163 KB





1. I am now (收集) information for my paper.
2. No one is to see the document without the (许可) of the writer of the report.
3. When he eventually did show up, it was (明显的) to all that he had changed
his (原来的) ideas.
4. The moment I saw the scientist by everyone, words failed to express
my (admire).
5. Who do you think will be the top for movies this year? (award)
6. Some people who cheat a lot shouldn’t be because your can always be taken for granted. (forgive)
7. I that if you have in your ability you will certainly achieve your dream.(believe)
8. Kelly wrote a letter to Kim to for her calling her nickname, but Kim didn’t accept her . (apologize)
9. My heart broke when I first saw pictures of (挨饿) children in Indian and Africa.
10. He came to China in order to learn Chinese (农业) skills.
1. By the time Jack returned from China, his son has already graduated from high school.
2. A great deal of money have been devoted to those schools in the countryside so far.
3. Lucy is treated at the hospital now, which is why she can’t attend the party tonight.
4. The Smiths attach great importance to teach their son to be a polite person.
5. The Whites have two children, both of them graduated from key universities.
6. Tom is the boy for whom the big boys played jokes yesterday afternoon.
7. Every time the boat moved, and I t


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