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文档介绍:Noah-the hero of the Christian faith
In a world taken over by evil, violence and corruption, Noah was a righteous man. However, Noah wasn't just a righteous man. He was the only follower of God left on the earth. The Bible says he was blameless among the people of his time. It also says he walked with God. Living in a society saturated with sin and rebellion against God, Noah was the only man alive that pleased God. It's hard to imagine such unwavering faithfulness in the midst of such godlessness. Over and over again, in the account of Noah's life we read, "Noah did everything just as manded."
Since the wickedness of man had covered the earth like a flood, God decided to start over again with Noah and his family. Giving very specific instructions, the Lord told Noah to build an ark in preparation for a catastrophic flood that would destroy every living thing on earth. You can read a Bible story summary of Noah's Ark and the Flood here. The ark-building project took longer than the average lifespan today, yet Noah diligently accepted his calling and never wavered from it. Appropriately mentioned in the Hebrews 11 "hall of faith," Noah was truly a hero of the Christian faith.
When we meet Noah, we learn that he is the one and only follower of God remaining in his generation. He goes on to e the second father of the human race. As an architectural engineer and shipbuilder, he