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文档介绍:一、单选题(共 10 道试题,共 100 分。) V 1. 第一次作业问题6
A. I don’t think laziness is bad.
B. I think laziness is the worst thing in the world.
C. I think there is something worse than laziness.
D. Nothing is bad except laziness, I think.
2. 第一次作业问题9
A. I did physics assignments slowly.
B. I did chemistry assignments.
C. I failed to do chemistry assignments.
D. I found physics assignments easier.
3. 第一次作业问题1
A. We wanted more people e to the show.
B. We thought fewer people e to the show.
C. We had expected more people e to the show.
D. We wanted many people e to the show.
4. 第一次作业问题5
A. Nothing is enjoyable.
B. Watching TV is not enjoyable.
C. Watching TV is enjoyable.
D. Watching TV is more enjoyable than anything else.
5. 第一次作业问题10
A. Saying and doing are the same.
B. Saying may be more difficult than doing.
C. Doing is more difficult than saying.
D. Doing and saying are different.
6. 第一次作业问题3
A. I can’t afford 200 dollars a month.
B. I can certainly offer 200 dollars a month.
C. two hundred dollars a month is the most I can offer.
D. two hundred dollars a month is too much for me.
7. 第一次作业问题4
A. I’ve never read a good novel.
B. This novel is better than that one.
C. this is the best novel I’ve ever read
D. I like this novel very much.


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