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文档介绍:First, you must pi(c)ture to yourself tha(t) child.
She lingere(d) beside villages of boa(t) folk, and saw them live, the babies tie(d) to a rope and splashing in the shallower waters.
… they were too busy to pay much hee(d) to her and so she wandered about a grea(t) deal, seeing and learning all sorts of things.
Read the following sentences aloud, paying special attention to plete plosion. A plosive which has no audible release is put in brackets.
Reading aloud
Reading aloud
Audiovisual supplement
Cultural information
Reading aloud
Audiovisual supplement
Cultural information
I climbed up again, finally, and put Oliver Twist a(t) the beginning, and began on the next one, which was Davi(d) Copperfield.
1. Quote
Mark Twain: The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them.
Cultural information
Reading aloud
Audiovisual supplement
Cultural information
2. Books that changed my life
— Reviews of books that help you build new skills
Reading aloud
Audiovisual supplement
Cultural information
“Books that changed my life” is a blog. The blogger lives in Stockholm, Sweden. His hope with this site is not only to share non-fiction book mendations but to share books of an exceptional quality. In the same way he hopes that the readers will help him and share their very best suggestions.
Here is a list of books that teach the blogger practical skills. They might not be the best written books or the most exiting ones but he thinks they are in a class of
their own on their respective subjects. His focus of this list is to show the readers the extremely rare informative tomes that will help them to learn skills that are useful in life, in contrast to the much mon works of fiction that simply helps them avoid going insane from all the craziness and stress they must put up with their life or the non-fiction that expose you to new ideas or random facts.
[Making money]
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