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上传人:文库旗舰店 2019/1/10 文件大小:55 KB




文档介绍:第五册第一单元选词填空 B5U1P7
1) The bank has discovered that on any _____ day, transactions in cash seldom exceed one million. given 该银行发现每天现金交易都很少超过一百万元。
2) One could tell _____ that she was not the kind of person who would give up easily. at a glance 人们一眼就能看出她不是那种会轻言放弃的人。
3) Applicants for this position need _____ in at least one foreign language. fluency 这个职位需要至少一门外语流利的求职者。
4) _____ patience, the artificial breeding of this species can be achieved. Given 只要有耐心,这个物种的人工繁育是可以实现的。
5)So far we have had perfect weather. The yield of the crop, _____, will hit a new record this year. hopefully 目前为止天气很好,今年庄稼产量很有希望创历史新高。
6) An employment contract should _____ the rights and duties of both the employee and the employer in no uncertain terms. define 劳动合同应该用明确的条款界定雇佣方和受雇方的权利和义务。
7) “How did you get the information about this author?”“I _____ him _____in Who’s Who.” looked…up 你是怎么得到这个自己的信息的?我在《名人录》中查到的。
8) It’s _____ talking to him because he never listens. no good 跟他说没用,因为他从来不听劝。
9) The author of the article quoted my words out of _____ in order to mislead the readers. context 这个作者把我的话断章取义,用来误导读者。
10) The council provides practical _____ and support for students wishing to pursue an international study program. guidance 顾问为希望出国留学的学生提供实际指导和支持。
11) The _____ needs of the refugees are warm clothing and clean drinking water. immediate 难民最需要的是暖和的衣服和干净的饮用水。
12) She held the glass away from her in _____. “What’s this awful stuff you’ve given me to drink?” disgust 她厌恶地拿开杯子说:“你给我喝的这糟糕的东西是啥?”
13) It’s not a good habit to look up every new word you _____ in your reading. come across 在阅读过程中查阅每个生词不是好****惯。
14) The quick _____ of disease is vital for effective treatment. recognition 快速识别疾病是有效治疗的关键。
15) He is interested in everything that falls within the _____ of his research. scope 任何属于他研究范围的东西他都感兴趣。
第五册第一单元词语解释 B5U1P8
He refused to have anything more to do with the pyramid selling job when he learned what the promoters were up to. washed his hands of 了解到传销人员的目的后,他就洗手不干了。
In a circle