After the Resisting and Aiding North Korea War erupted,to support the front line,
munist Party of China led people of the whole country to launch a large-scale
Resisting and Aiding North Korea Movement in the summons of the
Communist Party of China,Hebei’s government launched Resisting and Aiding North
Korea Movement actively in the whole the Resisting and Aiding North Korea
Movement, people’s patriotic enthusiasm unprecedented urged,then concluded the patriotic
pledge and produced diligently and contributed and the race of producing to support the
only gaining the victory of the Resisting and Aiding North Korea Movement,but
also expediting the recovery and development of the economy and all the the
achievements are inseparable with the thorough mobilization in the Resisting and Aiding
North Korea Movement.
In the Resisting and Aiding North Korea Movement,the mobilization for propaganda
is to make people believe the movement and inspie people’s patriotic enthusiasm and it is the
premise of the mobilization for action. The establishiment and healthiness of the propaganda
network is the guarantee of the mobilization for propaganda in the whole the
movement,Large quantities of pluggers and reporters joined and they use kinds of means to
propagandize patriotic to the people,then the people’s patriotic enthusiasm
was mobilised.
Mobilization for action is passive variable as well as indepent one hand,
mobilization for action is based on the mobilization for transformed the
people’s patriotic enthusiasm to physical the other hand,in the mobilization for
action people’s patriotic enthusiasm step up continuously and the effect of the mobilization
was mobilization for action that is “combined with kinds of practical
work”enlarged the meani