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Writing a Research Paper---Lecture 3英语论文写作指.ppt

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Writing a Research Paper---Lecture 3英语论文写作指.ppt


文档介绍:Writing A Research Paper ---Lecture 3
Zhang Yanyan (张妍岩)
March. 2009
3. How to Write a Bibliography
A working bibliography is an ongoing record of all the sources of information you find for your research topic.
How to search information
1) General References:
for a basic understanding of a topic;
General Encyclopedias:
Encyclopedia Britannica
Encyclopedia Americana
Compton's Encyclopedia (for teenagers)
World Book Encyclopedia
New Book of Knowledge Encyclopedia

Specialized Encyclopedias:
Catholic Encyclopedia
Encyclopedia Judaica
Encyclopedia of Islam
Medical Encyclopedia
Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Encyclopedia Americana
2007 Encyclopedia Britannica, Print Edition, 32 volumes. ISBN: 1-59339-292-3 Price: $1,
The 2007 Encyclopædia bines today's current topics with over 238 years of expertise and delivers more depth, breadth, and information than any other encyclopedia.
Readers can access quick facts or immerse themselves in detailed articles on almost any subject imaginable while enjoying the vivid and beautiful images of art, geography, science, sports, and much more.
32 volumes with over 44 million words.
Over 65,000 articles.
Over 4,000 contributors, including such renowned individuals as Carl Sagan, Milton Friedman, and many Nobel Laureates.
24,000 carefully selected illustrations, maps, and photos.
More than 23,000 biographies — from Socrates to Chinese president Hu Jintao.
More than 15,000 geography articles, including updated entries for Africa, Bangladesh, Canada, Gaza Strip, Germany, Gulf Coast, Israel, Indonesia, Pakistan, Russia, and more.
Bibliographic citations point users to additional information sources for further research.
Encyclopedia Americana, 30 volumes, 2006 Edition. ISBN: 0-7172-0139-2 Price: $
prehensive information that's in-depth, reliable, and up-to-date, with


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