中文摘要 2
英文摘要 3
1 引言 4
罐体车的发展状况及其应用 4
罐体车的历史及其发展 4
罐体车的应用 5
有限单元法的发展状况及其应用 5
有限单元法的历史及其发展 5
有限单元法的应用状况及其重要性 6
本课题研究的主要内容及意义 8
本课题研究的主要内容 8
本课题研究的意义 8
2 研究目标 9
3 罐体车三维模型的建立 9
4 罐体车有限元模型的建立 11
5 罐体车静力分析 12
载荷及约束类型的确定 12
各工况下结构的静力分析 13
液罐车满载匀速工况静力分析 13
液罐车满载制动工况静力分析 16
液罐车支腿支撑工况静力分析 18
6 半挂车的模态分析 20
结论 22
谢辞 23
参考文献 24
关键词:罐体车三维建模有限元分析 Hypermesh
Abstract:Tank car is the safest way to transport the continuous improvement of the tank car and its performance continues to improve, the tank car has e one of the selected mode of present, tank car has been widely , the research and analysis for tank car has important study pleted three-dimensional model of the vehicle according to dimensional drawings of XYZ9404 flammable liquid tank semi-trailer provide by Chuzhou Xing Yang Motor Co., Ltd. plete finite element analysis and modal analysis on the basis of the 3D structurally weak position for providing reference to the subsequent improvement of local structure the model into Hypermesh software to the correlation process, set up the finite element model,Apply the load of different conditions to the finite element model of the tank car. Using OptiStruct solver in Hyperwork to solve the finite element model, and analyse freedom and steady-state of finite element model,obtained the natural frequencies and vibration order,analyse results