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中国武术 英语.ppt

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中国武术 英语.ppt

上传人:szh187166 2015/10/12 文件大小:0 KB


中国武术 英语.ppt


Martial arts has a very wide range of masses, is a precious cultural heritage of the Chinese people continue to accumulate in the long-term social practice and enriched. One of the outstanding cultural heritage of the Chinese nation.
The origin of Chinese martial arts can be traced back to primitive society. Then mankind is wrestling with the beast with sticks and other tools, the gradual accumulation of a number of offensive and defensive experience. Monks in the the Shaolin Temple Qian Fodian mural contest picture Shang produce important means of hunting is regarded as the martial arts training.
Chinese martial arts as much as in the world martial arts is very rare. According to statistics, China currently has “clear historical context orderly, unique style, more than 300 self-contained,” the boxing. Xinyi Quan, Wudang the Internal Martial Waijia boxing and so on…
China's boxing development of the current The the three system Changquan Department Yiquan Department of modern boxing: Wing Chun, Dachengquan, Jeet Kune Do, North Pine Tong Bei and now known as Wudang, Emei of genre
What is martial arts?
What can it do for us?
Do you know something
abtou it?
Wu ended Ge also. Means martial art care and justice, to reduce the do not have to battle without the bucket.
What is martial arts?
What can it do for us?
Modern Chinese people whenever talking about the Chinese martial arts, often attached great importance to the philosophical spirit which it is. The most favorite Chinese martial arts, emphasis on "ethics and values??" of the martial arts, said Takenori.
Whether the martial artist, novelist, film, were often emphasized the value of the Chinese martial arts: "Kung Fu is not used to fighting, but as phy


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