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文档介绍:Introduction of Chinese Tuina (Massage)
account of Chinese Tuina
2. Acting Principles of Tuina
3. Manipulations for Adult Tuina
Brief account of Chinese Tuina(Massage)
Chinese Tuina is a therapeutic approach guided by the theory of traditional Chinese Medicine and used to treat diseases through massage manipulations or by means of some massage tools applied to certain parts or points on human body surface.
Acting Principles of Tuina
Acting Principles of Tuina include balancing Yin and Yang(平衡阴阳), regulating the zang-ans(调和脏腑), dredging the meridians(疏通经络)and promoting circulation of qi to activate blood.(行气活血)
1. Balancing Yin and Yang(平衡阴阳)
Yin-yang is a concept of ancient Chinese philosophy. Over two thousand years ago, the yin-yang theory had been introduced into TCM and became an ponent of its basic theory, used to explain anic structure, the physiological functions and the pathological changes of the human body as well as guide clinical diagnosis and treatment.
1. Balancing Yin and Yang(平衡阴阳)
According to syndrome differentiation, massagists(推拿医师) employ different manipulations with different stimulations clinically to change pathological conditions of the body caused by imbalance of yin-yang, restore their relative equilibrium and remove pathogenic factors. The purpose of regulating yin and yang is plished mainly through the meridians, qi and blood.
2. Regulating the zang and ans(调和脏腑)
Regulating the zang and ans with tuina is plished mainly through manipulations applied part of the body. Through the connection of the meridians tuina manipulations bring about some physiological changes in the corresponding zang or ans, reinforce asthenia and reduce sthenia(补虚泻实) to treat diseases.
3. Dredging the meridians and collaterals(疏通经络)
Jingluo( the meridian system) is the passages of circulating qi and blood throughout the whole body(运行全身气血), interconnecting the zang and ans with the extremities(联络脏腑肢节) and linking up the lower part with