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文档介绍:20 届本科毕业论文(设计)

Industry manipulator
The industry manipulator is one kind of high tech automation production equipment which the nearly several dozens years develop, the industry manipulator is an industry robot important branch, its characteristic is plete each kind of anticipated work task through the programming, has at the same time the human and the machine respective merit in the structure and the performance, has manifested human's intelligence and patibility especially, in the manipulator work accuracy and each kind of pletes the work ability, has the broad prospects for development in the national economy various domains, along with the industrial automation development, appeared the numerical control processing center, it while reduces worker's labor intensity, enhanced the labor productivity greatly, butIn numerical control mon on yummy treats working procedure, usually still used the manual control or the tradition black-white control semiautomatic installment, the former required a lot of work time-consuming, the efficiency is low, because the latter plex, had many relays, the wiring to be numerous and diverse, is vibrated easily the chassis the disturbance, but had the reliability badly, the breakdown many, questions and so on service difficulty, the programmable controller PLC control on yummy


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