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文档介绍:Future petition Entry / FabelArkitektur + Sara Wernsten
未来弗卢达竞赛/ FabelArkitektur + Sara Wernsten
by Alison Furuto
miniUrban DesignFabel ArkitekturFlodaSara WernstenSweden

由Alison Furuto发布
瑞典,弗卢达,Fabel ArkitekturFlodaSara Wernsten,迷你城市设计
Courtesy of FabelArkitektur + Sara Wernsten图片由FabelArkitektur + Sara Wernsten提供
In the Future petition proposal by Fabel Arkitektur + Sara Wernsten two strong paths are established to connect south with north and east with west through the central areas. All existing buildings are preserved and buildings with housing merce are established to increase density in the areas alongside the two paths. More images and architects’ description after the break.
在由Fabel Arkitektur + Sara Wernsten提出的未来弗卢达的竞争提案中,建造了两条道路,通过中心区域将东西和南北联系起来。所有原来的建筑都保留了下来,而带住房的建筑和商业建筑沿着两条道路的区域内建筑密度越来越大。本段后有更多图片和建筑师的描述。
Courtesy of FabelArkitektur + Sara Wernsten图片由FabelArkitektur + Sara
Floda is a small town near Gothenburg, Sweden. Different residential areas are situated separated from one another and have poor connections to the city center whose activities struggle for their survival. The town turns its back towards a beautiful river that flows through the city center by placing parking and backyards towards it and entrances in the opposite direction.
Courtesy of FabelArkitektur + Sara Wernsten图片由FabelArkitektur + Sara Wernsten提供
An additional path is established alongside the river and over its islands. It connects to a larger area with important natural resources, frequently visited by people from the region. Strategically important activities, such as sport and culture, are placed where the paths meet.
Courtesy of FabelArkitektur + Sara Wernsten图片由FabelArkitektur + Sara Wernsten提供
To deal with flooding, canals are established in


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